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Free Dashboards and Templates for Laravel: Best Options
  • 08 Jun 2023

Free Dashboards and Templates for Laravel: Best Options

Over the last several years, Laravel has been more popular for creating original web apps in this rapidly developing technology field.

If you're a fan of Laravel, you undoubtedly already know that if you want to work on your development project more quickly and efficiently, employing templates may be the ideal option. They often include a lot of pre-built components, but you also have the option to customize anything.

You may start developing your web application right now since we have compiled a helpful selection of free Laravel Templates and Dashboards.

Laravel Templates and Dashboards Examples

Soft UI Dashboard Laravel Livewire

Dashboard with Soft UI Laravel Livewire is a full-stack app template with an out-of-the-box Laravel backend and hundreds of custom UI components designed for Bootstrap 5. You can create dynamic interfaces more quickly and easily with the Livewire integration without having to leave your preferred framework. This is the ideal combination to launch your next project if you combine it with Alpine.js.

Vue Material Dashboard Laravel

What if your front end had a reusable backend in addition to reusable components? API-driven development is more than just a fad. With Vue Material Dashboard Laravel, you can create stunning applications with a flexible architecture that runs on a range of hardware and OS systems.

Black Dashboard Laravel

16 completely completed components and 3 specially created plug-ins are included in Black Dashboard Laravel to speed up development. and in the process make everything seem fantastic.

The dashboard's combination of aesthetically pleasing colors, roomy cards, and lovely text and visuals makes it the perfect tool for data visualization. SASS files make it simple to customize each component, and the dashboard is available in two variations: Dark Mode and Light Mode.

Material Dashboard Laravel

With a new, modern style that was inspired by Google's Material style, the Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard was created for Laravel Framework 5.5 and Up to speed up web development. A stunning front-end design with a fully integrated Laravel backend.

Sneat Bootstrap 5 Laravel Admin Template

The most developer-friendly and highly adaptable Bootstrap 5 template is the Sneat Bootstrap 5 Laravel Admin Template. Look no further than Sneat if you're a developer seeking a feature-rich and highly adaptable Bootstrap 5 Admin Template.

Additionally, the finest laravel admin template is thought to meet the greatest industry requirements and is not only quick and simple to use, but also highly scalable. The system's extreme versatility and simplicity allow you to simply construct any application you wish.

Ezeelive Admin Template

Ezeelive Admin UI is the first template in the world that employs the modularity idea and is a 100% responsive admin template for the Laravel PHP Framework.

It is a current, professional admin template built on the Laravel PHP Framework 5.4 with Bootstrap 4 framework.

Voyager – The Missing Laravel Admin

A media manager, menu builder, BREAD(CRUD) operations, and other features are all included in the Laravel admin package known as Voyager. You may add CRUD or BREAD (Browse, Read, Edit, Add, and Delete) capability to your articles, pages, or any other table in your database using Voyager's admin interface.


A Laravel admin panel called LaraAdmin allows you to manage your models, data, and roles' permissions without writing a single line of code, giving you state-of-the-art attention to data representation rather than data handling.

Laravel Boilerplate

The starter package Laravel Boilerplate comes with a lot of functionality. It features Frontend and Backend Controllers, User Dashboard and Administration Dashboard with CoreUI, Form Helper Methods for Default Forms, Namespaced Routes, Helper Functions, Socialite Integration, Bootstrap, FontAwesome, and more.

October CMS

A free and open-source platform is October CMS. The CMS is simple to use and immediately understandable.  Twig, a simple template language designed especially for a web designer, is modified by October.

Laravel Angular Admin

You may use the Laravel Angular Admin Template as a starting point for your work. It incorporates Oauth and JWT authentication, which is particularly helpful for creating a user interface, together with Laravel, Angularjs, Bootstrap, and Gulp. You may download it without charge and edit it whatever you want.

Free Laravel Dashboards Laravel Templates Free Laravel UI Templates Laravel Dashboard Design
