What Is the Use of Multiple Keywords in SEO Page Titles?
Since Google assigns a ranking to each word in the title, it stands to reason that using two or three keywords rather than just one will increase traffic. Each term should see an increase in traffic. The key to title optimization is knowing when this is suitable and when it isn't. As previously said, it appears that the weight or worth of the keyword decreases quickly from the first to the final word. Additional keywords seem to lessen the importance each word is given. There is also the significant matter of relevancy. If the terms you employ are not very pertinent to the website's content, your page can be punished.
Dilution of the weight of keywords:
Long titles also seem to be viewed by Google as being more likely to be spam (especially very long titles). Keyword stuffing may also be visible in longer titles. According to research, the first term in the title has the most weight, followed by the second, and so on. You can lessen the weight of each word given by adding more. Keep keywords near to one another and in their "natural" arrangement when targeting two-word queries and phrases. Attempt to align the title's order with the terms' likely order in the search query.
Avoid keyword stuffing:
The risks of keyword stuffing, which involves using your keyword or keywords excessively in the title, description, and body content, are well-documented. Although the precise threshold for term density is unknown, Google imposes a penalty for keyword stuffing. The frequency of keyword use may be measured using a variety of approaches. The relative frequency of your search term (Keyword or Keyword phrase) as a fraction of the total number of words on a specific page is how you define keyword density. Not more than 5.5 percent should be used as the optimal keyword density. Nevertheless, the cutoff points for applying fines vary amongst search engines. You don't need to use excessively high keyword densities to assist improve page rankings.
Keep the title short:
Start focusing on certain keywords on different sites and utilize many pages for related phrases as a golden rule. Because you won't be able to compete for prominent single keywords without including phrases for long tail titles, ordinary landing pages for mixed or broad themes often won't work. The usual recommendation is to include only two or three core keywords that are extremely pertinent to the content of the page and its aim and to keep the title brief (less than 70 characters). Of course, you may create long-tail keywords that combine your main keywords with several modifiers to create a "reasonable" title that passes both the test used by the bots to assess your sites and the test used by humans.
Long tail action-based keyword:
Long-tail titles with action words tend to be more successful since action-based inquiries typically get people who have already pulled out their credit cards and are eager to locate and purchase what they want. A portion of your prospective audience will be lost when you target them, but the people you have filtered out will be more likely to make a purchase. To target the audience most likely to be interested in your goods or services, SEO title optimization plays the function of enhancing the keywords that potential customers may employ in the title while searching. The ideal approach is to examine action words and phrases in addition to badly chosen modifiers when creating the long tail keyword title for maximum value.
Combine competitive keywords:
Two intriguing keyword phrases that are fundamentally connected to the same issue may be displayed by the Google Keyword Planner tool. Let's imagine you're attempting to sell green tea extracts and are promoting them as having health advantages, especially for folks who are having trouble losing weight. Three competitive terms are shown by the Google Keyword Planner tool. These phrases may be blended in a way that keeps the word order (green tea comes first) while yet allowing all of them to fit in your title.