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Website Development

Website Development

website or site is a collection of linked web pages that may be accessed by using the browser to access the website's home page. For instance, the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) for the Solution Corridor website is From the home page, you may access any of the websites on the site, including this one.

How to Open a Website?

A browser (such as Internet Explorer, Edge, Safari, Firefox, or Chrome) is necessary to access a website. For instance, you are using a browser to view this web page. By typing the URL into the address bar of the browser once there, you may access websites. You may access the Solution Corridor main page, for instance, by entering "". You may use a search engine to locate a website on the Internet if you don't know the URL of the one you wish to visit.

How Many Websites Are On the Internet?

Depending on the study or hosting provider used, there will be around 1.9 billion websites online as of January 2023. Many of these websites are inactive or get little traffic, but they are nonetheless counted since they are online.

What Distinguishes a Website from a Web Page?

A central place containing several web pages is referred to as a website. For instance, Solution Corridor, which has thousands of unique web pages, including the one you're reading right now, is regarded as a website.

Who Creates Websites on the Internet?

A website on the Internet may be made by any company, organization, government agency, or individual. There are now billions of websites on the Internet, made by billions of different individuals. On the Internet, you may even start a website or blog. For a list of the many kinds of websites, see the section below on types of websites.

What Is Available On a Website?

On the majority of websites, you read the content on each page. You follow any intriguing links by clicking or tapping on them to learn more or complete a job if there are any. Numerous websites also let you purchase, interact, view movies, and listen to music.

Types of Websites

The Internet now has billions of websites, all of which fall into one of the following categories. Remember that a website may fit under more than one of the following subcategories. A website might be a blog, search engine, forum, or webmail, for instance.

Archive Website

A website that archives the content of one or more other websites is known as an archive website. The finest illustration of an archive website is The Internet Archive.

Blog (weblog)

A blog is a website that is often made by an individual as a place to compile a collection of items that they find interesting. To learn more about weblogs, the tools used to create them, and related topics, see our definition of weblogs. Another well-liked kind of blog that has character restrictions on the length of each item is a microblogging website. A social networking website for a microblog is an example of Twitter.

Website for a Company and a Business

To provide consumers, partners, clients, and future customers access to account information, businesses and corporations develop websites.

Community Website

A community website is a website or part of a website that promotes social interaction among site users via chat, forums, or other types of message boards.

Content Website and Information Website

A content website or an information website is made to showcase original material, which is often connected to a certain topic. Solution Corridor, for instance, might be regarded as a content site featuring computer-related material. Other types can be a political website that offers political commentary or information about a political viewpoint, or a religious website that provides details about a particular faith.

Dating Website

A dating website is a website created to connect individuals who may be interested in dating or meeting new people. Most dating services charge a nominal cost, ask you to describe yourself, and often ask your questions to help them match you with individuals who share your interests.

Dynamic Website

A dynamic website employs server-side scripting and a database to dynamically produce its content. Anyone may have a website without having much experience with HTML or programming thanks to WordPress sites and other CMS (content management system) solutions. For more details on dynamic vs static websites, see our article on dynamic websites.


A website or site is a collection of linked web pages that may be accessed by using the browser to access the website's home page. For a list of the many kinds of websites, see the section below on types of websites.

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