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Create SEO Optimized Landing Pages for Higher Conversions
  • 17 Mar 2023

Create SEO Optimized Landing Pages for Higher Conversions

Even if you paid top bucks to hire the world's greatest copywriter to create the most captivating, astounding content you've ever seen, your page wouldn't guarantee conversions. You may do that by creating SEO-friendly landing pages.

That's because your page requires targeted traffic, which is a very vital component for it to achieve its objective.

Not just any traffic, either. You need the proper traffic.

It has absolutely no function at all if no one visits your landing page.

Thus, let's assume that you slightly overspent your budget on your copywriter. You'll now need to find another strategy to increase traffic that doesn't include paying for it via PPC or social media advertising.

What are landing pages for SEO?

SEO landing pages have been tailored to appeal to search engine algorithms, which determine whether or not a page is worthwhile to users.

Many think that an SEO landing page generator is not required since the majority of marketing initiatives are quite brief. They have some of it correct. The majority of promotions are temporary; they last for a short time and (inevitably) come to an end. Yet, there is a significant flaw in that supposition.

Many individuals prematurely abandon their campaigns because they believe them to be short-term while they are long-term.

The number of views you'll get by optimizing your page for search is small if you're conducting a one-time campaign for a few days or weeks. Nevertheless, if you only run a campaign for a few days or weeks each year, you can be losing out on a significant amount of search traffic (more on that later).

The Dynamic Google algorithm

Like a chef preserving his recipe for a renowned "secret sauce," the world's top search engine has been known to hold the intricacies of its proprietary algorithm close to the vest.

Google has gained more knowledge about what gives sites value to users over time. Several algorithm changes have been performed; the significant ones have animal names like "Hummingbird," "Panda," and "Penguin."

These updates may seem warm, welcoming, and lovely, but they're everything but that. Google's modifications have a reputation for causing huge issues for search engine optimizers and removing large networks of websites from SERPs.

How to Construct an SEO Landing Page

Consider using the advice and best practices listed below as an SEO landing page template when creating your subsequent landing page:

Publish to a Custom URL

Whenever you use a content management system to build a page, you often have the choice to publish it to a subdomain of the service provider. For instance, you may publish a page you create in Solution Corridor to your custom domain ( or you can leave the "" at the end of your URL and let us host it for you while you wait (

At first, it could seem convenient to let us manage your hosting. Nevertheless, it's not a smart move for SEO as search engines like to see your domain in the URL rather than a generic "page demo."

Determine Your Keywords

This is quite significant.

You choose the keywords here that you want search engines to use to rank your page.

It might take a very long time to do keyword research. But like with everything, you'll be more equipped the more research you do.

The condensed version looks like this:

Create a list of the keywords that apply to your website, and then consider what permutations of those phrases (known as long-tail keywords) a user would enter in Google to locate what you are selling.

In Your Landing Page, Strategically Use Your Keywords

After you've chosen your target keywords, you should strategically arrange them on your landing page. If you want to rank higher in SERPs, place them here:

This is your page's title or title tag. It is the large blue link that appears at the top of a page in your browser's tabs and symbolizes a page on SERPs. Make an effort to make your title intriguing to promote click-throughs.

This is the succinct description of the page that appears underneath the title in SERPs. Use it to provide the searcher a preview of what they will see if they click through to the page.

Don't Worry About Your Page's Length

Long content is preferred by search engines, according to conventional wisdom. And it runs directly against everything we've been taught about building effective landing pages.

Landing pages are often expected to be succinct and to the point. In establishing landing pages for SEO, how does this function then? Is there a neutral ground we can settle on?

Wait a minute.

According to Neil Patel, while evidence has proven that extended content performs well in search engines, the connection is more about correlation than it is about causality.

What we mean is that there isn't concrete proof that just raising your word count would improve your SERP rank. It is shown by the fact that not all long-form material does well in search.

Secure Backlinks to Your Page

The best strategy to increase your page's organic search engine rankings is still to get other websites to link to it.


If someone links to your material from their website, Google will see it as a recommendation for you.

But how can you do this without producing ground-breaking, widely shared online content?

There are several approaches, but a tried-and-true strategy for link development combines excellent content with focused outreach.

Your Seasonal Landing Page Should Remain Online

We already discussed how some individuals mix long-term and short-term efforts. These individuals can lose out on a tonne of traffic.

It's almost like starting from scratch with SEO every time you create a new landing page.

To compete with larger companies included on Google's first page, an electrical company called "Curry's" in the UK chose to alter its Black Friday landing page approach.

SEO Landing Pages Landing Page Conversion SEO Optimization High-Converting Pages
