Android Apps Development
Duration: 12 weeks
Fee: 50,000 PKR
Here's a comprehensive course outline for Android App Development, structured from beginner to advanced levels:
Course Outline: Android App Development
Module 1: Introduction to Android Development
Lesson 1: Overview of Android
- What is Android?
- History and evolution of Android
- Android architecture and components
Lesson 2: Setting Up the Development Environment
- Installing Android Studio
- Setting up the Android SDK
- Creating your first project in Android Studio
Module 2: Basics of Java/Kotlin
Lesson 1: Introduction to Java/Kotlin
- Overview of Java and Kotlin
- Setting up a Kotlin project in Android Studio
Lesson 2: Java/Kotlin Basics
- Variables, data types, and operators
- Control flow statements (if, switch, loops)
- Functions and error handling
Lesson 3: Object-Oriented Programming
- Classes and objects
- Inheritance and polymorphism
- Interfaces and abstract classes
Module 3: Android Fundamentals
Lesson 1: Understanding Android Components
- Activities, services, content providers, and broadcast receivers
- The AndroidManifest.xml file
Lesson 2: User Interface (UI) Design
- Layouts: LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, ConstraintLayout
- Views and ViewGroups
- Creating responsive UIs with resource qualifiers
Lesson 3: Event Handling
- Handling user input: Buttons, TextViews, EditTexts
- Using listeners and callbacks
Module 4: Advanced UI Design
Lesson 1: Fragments
- Understanding fragments and their lifecycle
- Managing fragment transactions
Lesson 2: RecyclerView and Adapters
- Setting up RecyclerView
- Creating custom adapters
- Implementing item click listeners
Lesson 3: Material Design
- Applying Material Design principles
- Using Material components (Buttons, Cards, etc.)
Module 5: Data Management
Lesson 1: Shared Preferences
- Storing simple data with Shared Preferences
Lesson 2: SQLite Database
- Introduction to SQLite
- Creating and managing databases in Android
Lesson 3: Room Persistence Library
- Using Room for database management
- Setting up entities, DAOs, and database instances
Module 6: Networking and APIs
Lesson 1: Making Network Requests
- Introduction to REST APIs
- Using Retrofit for networking
Lesson 2: JSON Parsing
- Understanding JSON format
- Parsing JSON data in Android
Module 7: Background Processing
Lesson 1: Services
- Understanding services and their lifecycle
- Creating foreground and background services
Lesson 2: WorkManager
- Using WorkManager for background tasks
- Handling constraints and scheduling
Module 8: Advanced Android Concepts
Lesson 1: Dependency Injection
- Introduction to Dagger/Hilt
- Setting up dependency injection in an Android project
Lesson 2: MVVM Architecture
- Understanding the Model-View-ViewModel architecture
- Implementing MVVM with LiveData and ViewModel
Lesson 3: Custom Views and Animations
- Creating custom views
- Implementing animations and transitions
Module 9: Testing and Debugging
Lesson 1: Debugging Techniques
- Using Android Studio’s debugging tools
- Best practices for debugging
Lesson 2: Unit Testing
- Writing unit tests with JUnit
- Using Mockito for mocking
Lesson 3: UI Testing
- Introduction to Espresso for UI testing
- Writing UI tests for activities and fragments
Module 10: Deployment and Publishing
Lesson 1: Preparing for Release
- Building APKs and App Bundles
- Managing app signing
Lesson 2: Publishing Your App
- Steps to publish on Google Play Store
- Managing app updates and versioning
Module 11: Advanced Topics
Lesson 1: Firebase Integration
- Using Firebase for real-time database, authentication, and analytics
Lesson 2: Handling Device Features
- Accessing camera, location, and sensors
Lesson 3: Performance Optimization
- Techniques for improving app performance
- Best practices for memory management
Final Project
- Build a complete Android application incorporating all learned concepts.
Resources for Continued Learning
- Recommended books, online courses, and developer communities.
This structured course outline covers the essential and advanced topics in Android app development. Adjustments can be made to fit specific learning goals or audience needs!