Flutter Mobile Apps Development
Duration: 16 weeks
Fee: 60,000 PKR
Creating a comprehensive course for Flutter mobile app development from scratch to advanced level can provide a structured pathway for learners. Here’s a suggested course outline:
Course Outline: Flutter Mobile App Development
Module 1: Introduction to Flutter
-Lesson 1: What is Flutter?
- Overview of Flutter
- Benefits of using Flutter for mobile app development
- Flutter architecture and components
Lesson 2: Setting Up the Development Environment
- Installing Flutter SDK
- Setting up an IDE (Visual Studio Code or Android Studio)
- Configuring an emulator or physical device for testing
Moule 2: Dart Programming Language
Lesson 1: Introduction to Dart
- What is Dart?
- Basic syntax and features
Lesson 2: Dart Basics
- Variables, data types, and operators
- Control flow (if, switch, loops)
- Functions and error handling
Lesson 3: Object-Oriented Programming in Dart
- Classes and objects
- Inheritance and polymorphism
- Abstract classes and interfaces
Module 3: Flutter Basics
Lesson 1: Flutter Widgets
- Understanding widgets: Stateless vs Stateful
- Commonly used widgets (Text, Container, Row, Column, Stack)
Lesson 2: Layouts in Flutter
- Building responsive layouts with layout widgets
- Using Flex, Grid, and List views
Lesson 3: Navigation and Routing
- Setting up navigation
- Passing data between screens
- Handling routes and named routes
Module 4: State Management
Lesson 1: Understanding State Management
- Local vs global state
- Introduction to state management concepts
Lesson 2: Provider Package
- Setting up the Provider package
- Managing state with Provider
- Context and ChangeNotifier
Lesson 3: Advanced State Management
- Introduction to Riverpod and Bloc
- Comparing different state management solutions
Module 5: Networking and APIs
Lesson 1: Making HTTP Requests
- Introduction to REST APIs
- Using the `http` package
- Fetching data from an API
Lesson 2: JSON Serialization
- Understanding JSON
- Parsing JSON data
- Using model classes for JSON data
Module 6: Database and Storage
Lesson 1: Local Storage Options
- Introduction to SQLite
- Using the `sqflite` package for local storage
Lesson 2: Firebase Integration
- Setting up Firebase
- Using Firestore for real-time database functionality
- User authentication with Firebase
Module 7: Advanced Flutter Concepts
Lesson 1: Animations in Flutter
- Introduction to animations
- Using the AnimationController and Tween
- Creating custom animations
Lesson 2: Custom Widgets
- Building reusable custom widgets
- Composition vs inheritance
Lesson 3: Integrating Native Features
- Using platform channels
- Accessing device features (camera, location, etc.)
Module 8: Testing and Debugging
Lesson 1: Debugging Flutter Apps
- Using Flutter DevTools
- Best practices for debugging
Lesson 2: Writing Tests
- Unit testing in Flutter
- Widget testing
- Integration testing
Module 9: Deployment and Publishing
Lesson 1: Preparing for Release
- Building for iOS and Android
- Managing app icons and splash screens
Lesson 2: Publishing Your App
- Steps to publish on Google Play Store
- Steps to publish on Apple App Store
Module 10: Advanced Topics
Lesson 1: Flutter for Web and Desktop
- Overview of Flutter web and desktop support
- Key differences and considerations
Lesson 2: Performance Optimization
- Techniques for improving app performance
- Best practices for app size reduction
Lesson 3: Building Packages and Plugins
- Creating reusable packages
- Publishing packages to pub.dev
Final Project
- Build a complete mobile application incorporating all learned concepts.
Resources for Continued Learning
- Recommended books, online courses, and communities.
This course outline covers a comprehensive journey from beginner to advanced topics in Flutter mobile app development. Adjustments can be made based on specific learning goals or audience needs.